
Hello beautiful friends, its me again.
i totally failed on posting a blog last week, & i am truly sorry.
but I'm here for you now. ;)
Today i want to talk about being home schooled.
Maybe clear some things up.

First of all, people think that home schooled kids are really weird.
well i am pretty weird so that one is kind of correct....

Second, when you hear homeschooled, you think skirts & dresses 24/7.

Third, we have no lives.
wrongzies, we actually have time on our hands so we get to do a lot more.
school only takes about an hour & a half for me,
so i have the rest of the day to do whatever.

Fourth, we don't know squat about the "real world".
well thats totes not true, i actually think since I'm with adults so much i kinda know more. haha.

Fifth, we only listen to Christian music.
Somebody told me a couple days ago that there is no such thing as
"Christian Music" or "Non - Christian Music"
music either brings you closer to God or it doesn't.
I mean you probably won't see me listen to Ni**as In Paris like my brothers,
but I listen to all different types of music.

Last but not least six, people think that we don't have any friends,
wrong again, my siblings are my friends! ;)
haha well that is true but i also have other friends,
my best friend is actually home schooled too so we get to hang a lot,
& its not like i can't find friends, I'm just content with the ones i have.
& like somebody once said, homeschoolers can find friends,
we just have to make more of an effort than other kids, which i am ok with.

& i would also like to say,
since i am home schooled, my schedule is so much more flexible than a regular kid
because i can take my school anywhere, just make up for it later, or work ahead,
like last year i went to Arizona for 4 weeks to see my cousins.
I also got to go on missions trip to Haiti for a week
& I'm planning on going again next month, which is very cool & I am very excited. :)

well thats all,
i hope i helped with questions that nobody asked me to answer on this blog :)

P.S. I'm pretty sure that was a record for me with smiley faces on my blog..... just saying.


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